Lightning would undoubtedly not be where it is today without the support of its many senior advisors.
Listed below are the many seniors that have served as advisors to the team since its inception in 1994.

LtCol Donald Desfosse, CAP
Capt Antoinette Fischer, CAP
Capt Richard Murphy, CAP
Capt Mark Schroth, CAP
Capt John Borges, CAP
1Lt Bill Duffey, CAP
1Lt Jonathan Mullaly, CAP
1Lt Geraldine Schroth, CAP
1Lt John Flaherty, CAP
1Lt Thomas Dardas, CAP
SM Lynne Duffey, CAP
SM Nancy Wayland, CAP

Aside of the team advisors, there have been many seniors in and out of our wing that have been in
tremendous support of our program.

Col Donald Prouty, CAP - NER Commander
Col Joseph Convery, CAP - NER Vice Commander
Col Eric Schollmann, CAP - MAWG Commander
LtCol Susan Schollmann, CAP - NER Director Cadet Programs
LtCol Olive Mainey, CAP - Commander Cape Cod Composite Squadron
LtCol. Ed Rabassa, CAP - NER Staff
Maj. James Mazzola, CAP - MAWG Director Cadet Programs
Maj. Jesus Figueroa, USAF
SM Martin Fischer, CAP -  Essex County Composite Squadron

Lastly we would like to thank the many PARENTS of the cadets on the team for their continued understanding
of our strict practice schedule and of our training regimen.